Bring it.

Oh, m'gosh. I finally have started a blog. XD

Right now my kitchen is in complete and total disarray because the back w
all of my apartment is being, basically, replaced. There is dust and drywall chunkiness everywhere and it is barely a safe environment for breathing, let alone cooking.

So, I will show some examples of what I have made for myself in the past. Remember: I ain't no gourmet chef. Prior to my transition to veganism, my cooking experience was limited to stir fry, heating up pasta, and slapping some PB on a sammich and then I was ready to go... I'm new to all this stuff (julienne? Isn't she the redhead from Jurassic Park 3??).

But I do sincerely enjoy veganizing recipes I find here and there. Especially baking endeavors! So, come join me as I make mistakes, suffer devastations, and hopefully, sometim
es, create some delicious noms!!

Here is a yummy stir fry (my specialty... my only specialty, quite frankly). We've got some sweet bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, and fried tofu all slathered and slabbered with bottled sweet & sour sauce. This is over some simple brown rice.

These are the delicious Veganomicon Fudgy Wudgy Blueberry Brownies. I used raspberry preserves instead of blueberry to mix it up a little.

Veggies and Tofutti CC on a pesto-garlic wrap with a side salad (I believe I used Amy's Goddess Dressing on this one... also, lots of sesame seeds!) and some raspberries.

Mmm... soft tacos and Spanish rice! I used Boca Ground with the seasoning that came in the taco kit, topped them yummers with homemade guacamole, onion, lettuce, tomato, taco sauce, and Tofutti Sour Supreme. These were godly.

This is just sexy to me. My favorite schnack. Steamed edamame in the pod with a bit of salt and some sesame seeds. Bring on the drool.

I'll end this post with another bit of stir fry porn. Sesame seeds and asparagus galore in this one. And wait... what're... are those water chestnuts?!?! Why, yase, they are. And that's roasted garlic and pecan wild rice hiding underneath. Yum.

Well, I hope my first post brought as much excitement to you as it did to moi. Further updates shall bring some photos of my Laptop Lunchbox, or bento. Also, some veganized recipes just for you!!
