Vegan MoFo: Laaazy Day...

KT is a sleepy blogger today... after attending a KICKASS concert last night I woke up late and with ringing ears. Did some cleaning, some mandatory Enrique-Iglesias-grooving, had lunch with a bestie, took a nap, and then tackled transcribing an interview for a paper due this week. This... is me:

So, today I'm going to continue what I've been doing for the past 2 hours or so, and that is typing maniacally. This time, it's applied to a survey! One I don't believe I've seen in MoFo's past. Excite!

What is one food you thought you’d miss when you went vegan, but don’t?
Chicken. I really don't miss it that much at all. There are some tasty analogs out there.

What is a food or dish you wouldn’t touch as a child, but enjoy now?
Brussel sprouts, yo!

What vegan dish or food you feel like you “should” like, but don’t?
Um... traditional Japanese cuisine. I'm just not familiar with it, the textures, the appearance, the ingredients... so I don't start drooling when I see blogs about it.

What beverage do you consume the most of on any given day?
Water, mos def.

What dish are you “famous” for making or bringing to gatherings?

Do you have any self-imposed food rules (like no food touching on the plate or no nuts in sweets)?
Considering the severity of my OCD... no. Not really. This surprises me.

What’s one food or dish you tend to eat too much of when you have it in your home?
Sweet potatoes. Veggie burgers. Any sweets whatsoever.

What ingredient or food do you prefer to make yourself despite it being widely available prepackaged?
I really enjoyed the outcome of making my own vegetable stock and now the idea of buying it is off-putting...

What ingredient or food is worth spending the extra money to get “the good stuff”?
Oh, there are certain brands that are non-negotiable. Vegenaise. Daiya. Amy's veggie burgers. RUDY'S ORGANICS BREAD.

Are you much of a snacker? What are your favorite snacks?
I've been known to nosh, it is true. At work I like fresh fruit, maybe a few bites of a Clif bar, oooh - half an avocado sprinkled with sea salt and black pepper. I can turn hummus into a meal, does that count?

What are your favorite vegan pizza toppings?
Mmm, all sorts of veggies. Definitely onions, spinach, mushrooms. Maybe some pepperoni analog.

What is your favorite vegetable? Fruit?
Veggies: brussels, sweet potatoes, asparagus, spinach, red bell peppers, artichokes. Fruits: bosc pears, fuji apples, raspberries, avocados.

What is the best salad dressing?
Love lemon tahini dressing, if it's made correctly... creamy garlicky ranchy is good, maple-dijon-balsamic is bomb.

What is your favorite thing to put on toasted bread?
Straight up PB or grape jelly... maybe together, muah haha.

What kind of soup do you most often turn to on a chilly day or when you aren’t feeling your best?
My hands down favorite soup is VeganYumYum's Delicata Squash Bisque, made with butternut. I've made this twice so far this year and can't wait to do it again. This stuff is liquid gold.

What is your favorite cupcake flavor? Frosting flavor?
Ooh, I do love a big chocolate cupcake with Oreo buttercream frosting. Mmm!

What is your favorite kind of cookie?
Chocolate chip, fer sure. C'mon now.

What is your most-loved “weeknight meal”?
That's an unfamiliar subject to this grad student. Uh... roasted veggies w/ a veggie burger? Fast and simple.

What is one dish or food you enjoy, but can’t get anyone else in your household to eat?
I'm the only vegan human in the household, so I don't have that problem! But my man doesn't like hummus, which I'm working on... :P

How long, in total, do you spend in the kitchen on an average day?
Shit, maybe 30-45 minutes. This makes me sad.

How many fingers am I holding up? (Just kidding… but the answer is 11. “My name is Inigo Montoya…”)

Your reward for making it through the survey. See you tomorrow! I'll have some goodies then. ;)
